Integrative and Interdisciplinary Approach
Defining future strategies to reduce the risk and impacts of infectious diseases while sustainably supplying safe food for the growing global population is a priority worldwide and a major challenge. This can only be achieved by a concerted interdisciplinary research effort to acquire an in-depth understanding of the infectious diseases and their ecology. Our work is structured around 6 work packages (WP):
WP 1: Improve sensitive detection and accurate identification of pathogens and their associated variants in changing, complex environments.
WP 2: Identify factors promoting an increase in pathogen virulence, transmissibility and/or host-shift.
WP 3: Assess host factors (i.e. the host animals’ conditions) as key determinants of pathogen evolution and dynamics, notably vaccine responses or pre-existing immunities to viral infection.
WP 4: Identify transmission routes and three aspects in pathogen spread:
- the hosts’ spatio-temporal distribution (including that of vectors such as ticks or mosquitoes),
- the role of the environment (pathogens reservoirs in wildlife, impact of global change on migration routes),
- the management practices and human activities (farming, trade, transport…).
WP 5: Develop next-generation analytical approaches for designing effective strategies and methods for surveillance, prevention, and control within a context of global changes (WP5).
WP 6: Disseminate and communicate the results to relevant stakeholders and develop a co-innovation agenda. Convert the results into user guides, training materials, and communication tool kits to optimize their exploitation.